The GRN Board of Directors is excited to announce dates for the network's charter meeting to be held this October in the Nashville, Tennessee metro area. More details are forthcoming, but here is what you need to know:
Dates: October 3-5
Venue: Grace Church, 1004 Hazelwood Dr, Smyrna, TN 37167
Who should come?
Representatives from churches who plan to join GRN; representatives from churches who are interested in GRN; individuals who want to learn more about GRN.
What is the general plan for the three days?
The first two days will be for all interested parties. This time will include plenary talks, panel discussions, singing, Q&A, and opportunity for the building of relationships. The final day will be reserved for representatives of churches who are joining the network.
We are grateful for your interest in GRN and for your ongoing prayer and support.
In Christ,
The GRN Board of Directors
(NOTE: Registration will be open next week!)