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About Grace Reformed Network

Helping people find rest in the sufficiency of Christ

The Heart Behind GRN

We hope to see more churches grounded in confessional theology. This is because we desire to see more people find rest in the sufficiency of Christ for them.


We are concerned for legitimate Christ-centered preaching. We understand covenant theology to be the thread that runs through the Reformed tradition.


We are committed to the purity of the mission of the church, which we understand to be the right preaching of the word of Christ and the right administration of the sacraments for the salvation of God’s elect.


We long to see confessional unity amongst Baptists once again.

Why Grace Reformed Network?

The following Board Panel and Q&A Session audio clips are from our Charter Meeting in 2023.

Opening Panel DiscussionGRN Charter Meeting (2023)
00:00 / 46:59
Opening Panel Q&AGRN Charter Meeting (2023)
00:00 / 19:31

Our Board

GRN Board consists of active pastors who guide the network, ensure unity and doctrinal integrity among our churches, organize events, and foster fellowship.

Membership Benefits & Requirements

The Church is how God sustains his people in this life.

Requirements for Membership

Our confession of faith, along with affirmations and denials.

Benefits of Membership

How does GRN benefit your church, pastors, and the cause of Christ?

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