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Benefits of Joining GRN

Resources, Accountability & Support

Pooling of Resources for Church Planting & Church Revitalization

This is perhaps the first reason churches of our tradition have been associated, historically. GRN churches pool resources to see churches planted and reformed. Simply put, we are able to do more together than we could apart. And given the theological unity the network shares, there is peace of mind in knowing the churches planted and reformed will be striving for health according to Scripture.

Accountability & Safety

Member churches will be asked to reaffirm the 1689 London Baptist Confession, as well as the affirmations and denials of GRN, each year. This provides accountability amongst network churches and fosters an environment of safety and trust.

Ongoing Counsel & Development

Through the investment of others who are a part of GRN, pastors and individuals in positions of service in the church will have the opportunity for continued growth and honing of theological understanding, as well as general sharpening and growth in wisdom.

General Assembly

GRN has a General Assembly of its churches each year. This meeting will serve as a time of encouragement, fellowship, and refreshment–in addition to being a time of handling the business of the network.

Ministerial Support

In a way that is in accord with the autonomy of each local congregation, GRN churches can form ordination councils for the examination of ministerial candidates. GRN also plans to work on templates for pastoral apprenticeships.


GRN churches will have access to various media resources (video, audio, and printed material).

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