Confessional churches united around the sufficiency of Christ.

About Grace Reformed Network
We are historical, confessional, covenantal Baptists who are committed to the primacy of the local church. We believe the ordinary means of grace are how God primarily grows, sustains, and protects local congregations.
We believe peace, rest, and security for sinners only come through union with Christ by faith. We understand the focus of the local church is the salvation of God’s people and the building up of the body of Christ.
What is GRN?
Justin Perdue, president of the Grace Reformed Network (GRN), explains our mission to support confessional Baptist churches, highlighting the network's commitment to maintaining a theological perspective focused on Jesus' objective work.
Why is GRN important?
Jon Moffitt, vice president of the Grace Reformed Network (GRN), describes the network's commitment to Reformed theology, providing pastors with a supportive community focused on biblical foundations, theological consistency, and mutual support in ministry.